Wednesday, June 9, 2010

God is in control

First off I would like to say sorry, for taking so long to write this, its been hard over the last few weeks just trying to get my head around all that happened over the last 6 months and what is going to happen in the next 6 months, so, im gonna try and some up 6 months of my life into writing the best I can.

First off I would just like to say there is nothing else I would rather be doing with my life then trying to serve the lord whole heartedly, and when you try that, and you have nothing between you and God he reveals amazing things to you and awakens the desires of your heart.

I had amazing times and hard times but they where all worth it just seeing the changes in the young guys and girls lifes, and just knowing that God used me too help, Im going to tell you a story about a girl who changed my life, her name is Liz, I will never forget her, because she let me be a part of her life, she was like a younger sister to me, she would come too me ask me questions about God, and I really got to speak into her life, and just be apart of it, we had one night I think I told you’ll about it already but it was the night that Liz had the Holy spirit come and hold her down, and threw that the Lord spoke to all of us in the room and her, he told her things about her life and he spoke too us about outreach, and he spoke too me personally threw this experience, cause when the Holy spirit was holding her, she was describing what Jesus looked like and she went on and said he is like Isaac like a big brother, and the fact that she was with Jesus Christ and my name came up when she was describing him, still brings tears to my eyes as I write. And ever sense that night, I feel blessed to have been part of that and I feel even more blessed to be a part of Liz’s life, even if the whole year, nothing else happen it would all still be worth it, because it honored God, and brought Peace and Love to Liz’s life.

Oooooo…… outreach where do I start, we went to India, Nepal

For our outreach, with 6 lovely young students, who where amazing, they listen to Fleur and I when we asked them to do something, We spent time in three different place in India, working with ywam bases, we got to do allot of different ministries with them from, small groups to washing slum Kids. It was challenging, stretching, life Changing, straight up Hard sometimes, but thankfully we Know the man Up stairs to get us threw it, I cant describe the whole thing so ill share a few stories that stuck out to me and the students, we had a chance to go and share and do skits for this young little angles, and it really spoke to me when we got there, These Girls where all from different places there families had either abandon them or gave them up cause they could not take care of them, so this lady started this house for them, and has been doing it for the last 10 to 15 years, just trying her best to raise support and take care of them all, and God has providing for them over the last 10 to 15 years. The love that these little girls have for the Lord is amazing, from the point we got there to the point we left they where sharing with us, they where serving us when we where suppose to serving them, and at the end of the time before we left we asked if we could pray for them, and of course they said yes and after we where done, they circled around us, and started praying for us, these little girls are form the age of 6 to 15, and when they where done praying for us they start singing these songs and my eyes start tearing up, cause here they are, all they have is God and each other, but yet they have everything, and they give without selfish motives and with endless amounts of love, so that they may bless us, who come from a world where we have everything at our finger tips, but fail to share it, these girls are a perfect example of what we should be like, not seeking worldly things, but seeking to serve others, and Love God,

Nepal, was allot of fun we got to work with a ministry called High Ground, it was such a blessing to be apart of what they where doing in Nepal, her and her husband started this ministry up a while ago, and they have been very successful in what they do because they put God first, and threw this ministry we got to paint a school and love on the kids, and do vacation Bible schools for there church, We had a wonderful time with them, and would love to do it again,

Coming back to Auz all the teams gathered on one plane form Malaysia to Brisbane, it was so much fun cause there where like 40 of us on this plane, all grungy and smelly after 3 months helping people, it was allot of fun. So we get back to the base and start debrief week, this is where we share what happens on outreach, and what God did in our life’s as well as others life’s,

And they had some incredible stories about God using them to heal people with broken legs, and one guy had a stroke and the whole left side of his body was sagging and this girl took the time just to pray for him, and he was fine the next day, and he was walking around, its crazy, I Love it. It just shows that God is amazing and more alive today, and if you would but take the time out of your own life to just pray for people that need healing and need help, you would see these things happen, so I would encourage you to step out and do it, I love you and I would just encourage you to take time out of your life, for others


  1. Isaac,
    I'm sitting here crying after reading your post. You have encouraged me so much today, and I really needed it. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to see kids that I had the opportunity to teach growing up to be warriors for the kingdom. That's what you are,a warrior, and your weapon is the love of Christ~~you handle that weapon beautifully. I'm very proud to know you and pray for you often.
    Be blessed in a big way!
    Brenda French

  2. Isaac, you're amazing...a PRAYER WARRIOR. I know this page is probably a little bit of a pain for you to keep up with because you are so busy, and it's hard to get all of your thoughts out on the computer, but it's seriously so touching. More people are reading it then you think! You are such an encourager just by being obedient to the Lord. It makes me sick to think about all of the stuff I get caught up in day to day over here in the U.S. I will pray for healing for the people over there. I will pray for yall to stay strong! I am SO thankful for what God is doing in your life. I could've died when I read that the girl brought you up when she was describing Jesus. How incredible. Psalm 62:1-2: "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Remember that when you get tired!!! Love ya, brother!!!
