Monday, August 2, 2010

Who i am and why

My life

Where do I start ill start from the beginning, and then ill end where I am sitting right now. My life I have always loved the Lord and have always known him, but I didn’t really know him up until the age of 21. I got saved when I was thirteen I was never pressured into it by my parents, or anybody else, it was a choice I made. Threw the years growing up I lived a life that was totally self seeking, pushing things to the edge but never crossing over it, seeking intimacy with girls and in pornography, but these things never would bring any fulfillment in my life. And I struggled with it for years and still to this day it tries to sneak up on me, but thank God that we have the authority in his Son to rebuke it. I am going to share about people that God put in my life to make me who I am today.

When I was 15 I think, I started working with Mr Mike, he has always been a great example to me, and has always treated me with respect, he taught me allot in life, he would always tell me that (it is better to know a little about allot, then allot about a little).He was always willing to teach you, I think that is one of his great aspects. No matter what it was he would give you the opportunity to do it and work at it, if you failed he would help you and teach the right way to do it. He is a wonderful man of God and it shows threw out his whole family.

Mr Rock and Miss Sharon, most of you will know them, they have been a blessing to all of us that have gone to Vineyard, they are such wonderful people. They have always taught and walked a life Pleasing to the Lord, I know for a fact that when they get to heaven God is going to say Well done my good and faithful servant. They have always taught me to live a life that is pleasing to the lord, not only threw words but threw actions as well, and threw that I have learn so much. I remember a time when me and Mr. Rock where working on our kayaks in his garage and we where talking about cussing, and Mr. Rock said there are certain times in life when you just need to cuss, and it wasn’t even 10 sec that the front of one of our kayaks split, and Mr. Rock was like, this is one of those times. I love that Family, and there life lived for Christ has impacted all of us.

My Grandmas and Grandpas, they are a big part of the reason I was born, they have loved me ever sense I was born, unfortunately one of my grandpas passed away when I was 8 I think, it was on my moms side. I don’t have much memory of him but the ones I do ill share. He was a quiet humble man who loved all of us. I remember him laying in his lazy boy reclined back, acting like he was asleep and we as little kids would sneak up on him, and he would wait right until you got close enough to him, then he would scare the crap out of you, and you would run off and come back 2 min later and thinking he was asleep again and do it again. My other Grandpa (Big Jim) passed away 2004, he was a legend he started a thing called Bag A Nut, which now my older brother runs and is doing amazing things with it. Grandpa would always be doing something whether it was making us pick up sticks at Grandpas Park, or looking for new ideas for bag a nut, he was always doing something, if not he was sitting on his porch watching us tear up his road, secretly I think he loved it cause it gave him an excuse to use his tractor, with the mile long rope behind it.

My Grandma and Granny the loves of my life always giving and always serving others, and are still doing it today. My Grandma (Mrs. Dudley) that lives next door has always thought the world of me and has always loved me, and always wanted to know how I was doing, and would always have encouraging things to say to me. I remember this time when my grandma was watering the bushes at her house, and I remember looking threw the window at my house wondering if I could sneak up on her and scare her. so I snuck over there got right up behind her and scared the crap out of her, and at that time she turn around and soaked the crap out of me with the water hose, she is a wonderful young lady, and I love her. My Granny (Mrs. Self) is one of the most sweetest ladies in the world, recently remarried to Grandpa Bill, also one of the nicest people always willing to listen to what you haft to say, and always having a loving smile on his face. My Granny like I said she is the sweetest lady ever, she is always loving on people and showing kindness too people, one of my favorite memories with granny, was when she gave my brother Silas sex appeal cologne for Christmas, and didn’t realize it. I love her to death. She has been a wonderful blessing in my life and continues to be.

My Boys, Jeremy, John, Mike, Tommy, Daniel, Bart, where do I begin, these Guys have been my good friends for a long time. And I hope that God continues to let us be good friends. Most of us have grown up with each other, some came in a little later in life, but still hold that same life time friendship. I am going to tell you a story about each one of them, and how they play into my life.

Daniel, he has been an amazing friend, he grew up in our church with us but we didn’t really start hanging out until the last couple of years. He has been such a blessing in my life and I thank God that he put him in my life at the right time, cause it was the time just before everyone was leaving to go do life. Daniel is the kind of man that is trust worthy someone how will make the best of any situation, he will bring joy and laughter to any situation in life if need be. I am proud to call him my friend and brother in Christ.

Bart, he is a good man, probably one of the most forgiving people I know. For those of you that don’t know, I dated Barts girl friend after him of course but, not long enough after. That’s why I say he is the one of the most forgiving people I know. Threw that Bart showed one of the greatest qualities he has, and that is his ability to forgive people. Bart’s life has been nothing but a life of forgiveness for people that have hurt him. And he has taught me allot about my own life and how I should forgive those that have hurt me. That’s just one story, there are allot more, but that one has brought us to be great friends. I am proud to call him my friend and brother in Christ.

Mike. for those of you that don’t know mike he is one of the youngest among the seven of us, but he has always seemed to be the smartest of us all, probably cause he would stop and think about stuff, that me and Jeremy would never even stop to think about before we would do it. Mike is an honest man; he will give you his honest opinion, and was not scared of what the outcome of it would be. He is bold and stubborn when he needs to be, but he does it when he knows it is right in his heart. One night Jeremy, Mike and I, went up on the roof of his house, and where just being men we had a few beers shot off fireworks, you know manly stuff, sorry mike for the holes. Mike is one of those guys that you can just be yourself around you don’t haft say anything, Mike is good man, and I am proud to call him my friend and brother in Christ.

Tommy, what can I say Tommy is a huge loving teddy bear, who has always been a good friend to me. Jeremy and I would always beat up Tommy when he was younger, now days he could whoop both of us, cause he is a big boy. Tommy has always been and example to all of us, he has pursued God with a whole heart always seeking to do right thing and getting Gods opinion on it, and his whole life he has done this with persistent and is still doing it. Tommy and I would always go exploring, and when we did, he would get hurt 80 percent of the time, (example) one day I was in the Barn and Tommy showed up or he was there with me already, I cant remember. I was playing with the co2 tank filling up empty paintball tanks, and you know when you fill one up and you haft to let the rest of the co2 out before you detach the bottle, I did this and when you do it. It frosts up around the valve and Tommy saw this and if you know Tommy he can’t pass an opportunity like this, so he took the opportunity to taste this frost and when he did his tongue got stuck. And you can just imagine what happen after. Tommy has been just an amazing friend to me, and to all of you that know him, he has been a blessing to us all. And I am proud to call him my friend and brother in Christ.

John is a man of many good qualities sure he may say things that are at the wrong time, but his heart is always willing to change and always will to seek the truth in things. He has been such a blessing in my life, and has been more of a blessing over the last few years, he has been by my side strengthening me an encouraging to press into the word not only in times of need but in just everyday life. Even with everything that is happening in his life he has a genuine heart for others. John and I have always known each other and have grown up together sense birth. John has always been a test dummy when we where growing up I would make these zip lines from tree to tree, and I would let John try them out, so at this point in life I was smarter then John, he is allot smarter then me know. But he would do it. And most of the time it would not turn out well cause I would tie it off too a limb that was the thickness of a quarter, or it would be going over a creek, let your imagination go from there and it would probably be correct. John is a good man and I am proud to call him my brother and friend in Christ

Jeremy, I could write a thousand pages about Jeremy and I, just the stories we could tell about the stupid stuff we did, that we could not tell our mothers. Jeremy, John, Tommy, Mike, and I have all grown up together, and have all served God, regardless the cost. Jeremy has always been there for me, and has inspired me to seek God not only in words but in the way he lives his life. He has been such an inspiration to me, and has challenged me to seek God, in all I do. Jeremy has always had my back, regardless if I was right or wrong he was there and is still there, its kind of like a marriage almost but with out other stuff, kind of like David and Jonathan love. Anyways I have been thinking allot about what I am going to tell you about Jeremy. Its hard to sum up a whole life of hanging out together, so I am going to share some famous lines that we would say to each other. (Ill do it if you do it), or (you walnt do it) (sissy) (go for it you got it) my personal favorite is, (you’ll be alright) most of the time we would not be all right but it was allot of fun. When Jeremy and I where bored we would always get up to no good, when we where younger of course, we would chase women, shoot stuff and blow stuff up, you know the usual things that young men would do. I love Jeremy and I have had a life of fun, hardships, crying, and love threw it all, he is a wonderful young man and it shows in his life, and I love him and his beautiful young wife who brings out the best in him.

My brothers, Silas and Caleb, talking about men of God, these guys have always been solid, they have fallowed God with a loving passion, showing it in what they do, and living it while they are learning it. There are many people that can testify what I am saying. (Silas) has always been the kind of person that is willing to help and help to the end, he does everything with diligence, never skipping over anything or not finishing what he has put his mind too. He has taught me allot about my own character, and what it means to be a man of integrity. He is my brother and all though he does not always express love in words to me, you can see it in his eyes. He would do anything for me, and I am very proud to call him my brother.

(Caleb) he is the oldest of all of us, he has taught me allot in life, he is also allot like Silas doing everything with diligence, and always finishing strong in what he has put his mind to. When I think of Caleb the word kindness comes to mind, he loves others with all his heart putting them first, when there is something that needs to be done he helps until it is done, and volunteers his free time to do it. Over the past few years Caleb has taken over Bag a Nut, and has done amazing things with God for that company, that I don’t think anybody else could of done, threw this he has created allot of opportunities for people to work, he has employed allot of my friends and allot of other people that needed jobs, and he has used this in every way possible to bless others.

I wish I could be more like my brothers, they set the bar high, they are amazing, and true, but they are only that way because they seek to fallow God and put him First In all they do. I love both of them with all my heart, and are proud of them.

My sister (Cora) one of the nicest people I know, never ever seeking to be selfish, always caring and loving on others, she has shown me allot of what I want in my future wife, she is just such a beautiful person, she is the kind of person that you can see her heart beat from the outside, cause she is always glowing because she loves God. And it shows in all she does. All though I do not tell her enough that I love her, she loves me regardless. Always smiling when she talks to people, cause she truly has Gods heart for people, for those that do not know her get to know her if you get the chance, she will change your life, she is so beautiful that not even words can describe her. And She is my sister whom I love with all my heart.

Mom. The one that has put the most effort into my life always looking for ways to help me never ever wanting anything in return from me. Just wants to love on me with all her heart. Me and mom are allot alike I remember times when I would see my mom crying I would start crying, because I knew she was hurting and my heart would break for her even if it was the simplest thing ever, it did not matter. My Mom always told me that she prayed for a son with curly hair, and I believe that she got more than just that, I believe that she got a son with the same heart, cause I cry at some stupid stuff sometimes just like her, and I believe that our hearts are the same, I may not express it as much as she does, but I believe they are the same. My moms heart is beautiful, it loves, it cares, it has mercy even when her son eats all the cookies. Mom has always shown love to others, and always looking to help others, she is the kind of lady that will go out of her way to serve others. I love my mom, and sometimes I know that I don’t tell her enough, but I love her, and I wish my heart was as beautiful as hers. I love you mom

Dad, (Old School) my dad is such a solid man, he has pursued God with diligence, as long as I can remember. He is a man of many great qualities, and characteristics, And many other things that words can not describe. My dad has been a faithful man to my mom, his family and God his whole life, he shows it in all he does, from doing the dishes to being with his family, he has been a solid wall, not yielding to the things of this world, but speaking the truth. He has been a father to many, loving them and speaking the truth in their lives. I can not tell you how much of a blessing he has been in my life and others. I want to be just like my dad when I grow up, cause he is amazing. He seeks with patience, he is always willing to listen to you and not talk over you like he is better, but he seeks with a passion to help you. I love my Father with my whole heart, and I know he loves me the same.

I could keep writing and tell you hundreds of stories about more friends and families. But I am not, I am only going to tell you one more, this is about the rest of the people, that I love and cherish, people that I could write many more stories about. My friends that I talk about a little earlier all have families, the Stowell, the Hoovers, the Browns, the Kellys, the Johns, the Reeders. The Rutsons, they have all been a blessing in my life, and all have been like second families to me loving me as there own child, and always wanting to see me do good in life and honor God, so I have allot of thanks that needs to be expressed, I love each and everyone of these people with my whole heart.

I would just like to finish with just a little something. You have heard about a small, percent of the people that God put into my life, and you have heard the kindness that is inn their hearts. And if you don’t believe that the thing you do will effect the people around you I would ask you to take a look at my life, I am a result of the people that God put in my life, he put each and everyone of them in my life for a reason, to build me up to where I am today, to make me into the young man I am, he knows what he is doing. I am by know means perfect, and I don’t think that I have arrived in life I think I am just at the point of stepping into the plane, and letting God take control. But I do think I have one thing right, and that is, I am willing to let God take control, so I am here today doing the best I know how, sure I could always use improvement in life, but I am trying. There is nothing that is hidden from you, you know who I am I have told you that I have dealt with pornography in my life and I have lustful thoughts, and it is still a constant struggle for me, but I love God and It is not hidden from Him, and I want t see his Will done in my life.

I love youll


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

God is in control

First off I would like to say sorry, for taking so long to write this, its been hard over the last few weeks just trying to get my head around all that happened over the last 6 months and what is going to happen in the next 6 months, so, im gonna try and some up 6 months of my life into writing the best I can.

First off I would just like to say there is nothing else I would rather be doing with my life then trying to serve the lord whole heartedly, and when you try that, and you have nothing between you and God he reveals amazing things to you and awakens the desires of your heart.

I had amazing times and hard times but they where all worth it just seeing the changes in the young guys and girls lifes, and just knowing that God used me too help, Im going to tell you a story about a girl who changed my life, her name is Liz, I will never forget her, because she let me be a part of her life, she was like a younger sister to me, she would come too me ask me questions about God, and I really got to speak into her life, and just be apart of it, we had one night I think I told you’ll about it already but it was the night that Liz had the Holy spirit come and hold her down, and threw that the Lord spoke to all of us in the room and her, he told her things about her life and he spoke too us about outreach, and he spoke too me personally threw this experience, cause when the Holy spirit was holding her, she was describing what Jesus looked like and she went on and said he is like Isaac like a big brother, and the fact that she was with Jesus Christ and my name came up when she was describing him, still brings tears to my eyes as I write. And ever sense that night, I feel blessed to have been part of that and I feel even more blessed to be a part of Liz’s life, even if the whole year, nothing else happen it would all still be worth it, because it honored God, and brought Peace and Love to Liz’s life.

Oooooo…… outreach where do I start, we went to India, Nepal

For our outreach, with 6 lovely young students, who where amazing, they listen to Fleur and I when we asked them to do something, We spent time in three different place in India, working with ywam bases, we got to do allot of different ministries with them from, small groups to washing slum Kids. It was challenging, stretching, life Changing, straight up Hard sometimes, but thankfully we Know the man Up stairs to get us threw it, I cant describe the whole thing so ill share a few stories that stuck out to me and the students, we had a chance to go and share and do skits for this young little angles, and it really spoke to me when we got there, These Girls where all from different places there families had either abandon them or gave them up cause they could not take care of them, so this lady started this house for them, and has been doing it for the last 10 to 15 years, just trying her best to raise support and take care of them all, and God has providing for them over the last 10 to 15 years. The love that these little girls have for the Lord is amazing, from the point we got there to the point we left they where sharing with us, they where serving us when we where suppose to serving them, and at the end of the time before we left we asked if we could pray for them, and of course they said yes and after we where done, they circled around us, and started praying for us, these little girls are form the age of 6 to 15, and when they where done praying for us they start singing these songs and my eyes start tearing up, cause here they are, all they have is God and each other, but yet they have everything, and they give without selfish motives and with endless amounts of love, so that they may bless us, who come from a world where we have everything at our finger tips, but fail to share it, these girls are a perfect example of what we should be like, not seeking worldly things, but seeking to serve others, and Love God,

Nepal, was allot of fun we got to work with a ministry called High Ground, it was such a blessing to be apart of what they where doing in Nepal, her and her husband started this ministry up a while ago, and they have been very successful in what they do because they put God first, and threw this ministry we got to paint a school and love on the kids, and do vacation Bible schools for there church, We had a wonderful time with them, and would love to do it again,

Coming back to Auz all the teams gathered on one plane form Malaysia to Brisbane, it was so much fun cause there where like 40 of us on this plane, all grungy and smelly after 3 months helping people, it was allot of fun. So we get back to the base and start debrief week, this is where we share what happens on outreach, and what God did in our life’s as well as others life’s,

And they had some incredible stories about God using them to heal people with broken legs, and one guy had a stroke and the whole left side of his body was sagging and this girl took the time just to pray for him, and he was fine the next day, and he was walking around, its crazy, I Love it. It just shows that God is amazing and more alive today, and if you would but take the time out of your own life to just pray for people that need healing and need help, you would see these things happen, so I would encourage you to step out and do it, I love you and I would just encourage you to take time out of your life, for others

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where do i begin, ill start form where i left off, those couple of days that we went trekking where amazing, we got to go to some really remote villages in the lower part of the himalayas so beautiful we got to really just love on the people and share the gospel with some of the villagers, its such a simple way of life to live and deep down in my heart i envy these people because their lives are so simple and they dont have all the worldly distractions to get in the way of what they do, and because of that, they are some of the nicest people i have meet, because every time we would come to a village, they would welcome us right in and give us something to eat and offer us a place to stay,and i feel like in my heart that they are closer to furthering Gods kingdom here on earth than most christians now days. So i would just encourage you to have the same welcoming to people that are in need.
So after that we took a 17 hour bus ride to dharadun where we have been working with the ywam base for the last three weeks doing different ministries, its been really good we have had a couple of people come to know Christ threw these ministries, Praise God. we have done allot of different ministries like small groups, sharing at church, playing with kids in the park, and doing some trekking to other small villages, which was allot of fun, just to see Gods great creation and share the love of christ in the middle of it.
so i would just encourage you to seek christ and have the same hospitality torge others as you would to Jesus Christ, because we where all created from him, their for we are the same regardless of what we look like or how rich or poor we are, i would just like to say thank you for all your love and support that you have been giving me over these last few months, and i would just ask you to continue to pray for our team that we would have clear direction for what we might do next, and that all our poop is whole, lol, thank you for everything
God Bless

Thursday, April 1, 2010

India is amazing and God is even more amazing

i would just like to say sorry, for taking so long to write. i have safely arrived in India, we arrived on the 28 of march in Delhi at 920 pm. it is one of the most crowded place i have ever been there are people every where. we spent the night in delhi, and then took a 13 hour bus ride to nadi in Dharamsala, it is one of the most beautiful places, i have ever seen it reminds me of the last samuria the part where they take him captive in the village in the mountains. so we arrive their at 7 am the next morning, and the weather is amazing, white mountain tops off in the distance and massive valleys all over the place, just gorgious. we meet up with or contact niklas, who help start the base, and we took about a ten min hike down the side of this mountain, and came to the house where we are staying, and it is beautiful, right on the edge of a drope off and you have one of the most amazing views. God is good. so we spent the first day just relaxing and walking around the village. the next day we took a hike with one of the staff members to a small town which has a name i cant spell or pronounce, and we got too see some of the buddist temples there. and also the dally llama lives here in the town so there are allot of buddist and allot of travelers that come threw the town so it is a good place for connecting with people, and just sharing your faith with them, later that day we got to work with a ministry called hope, where we got to speek english to the tibeten people, which was allot of fun, and really good for the students just to get out of their comfort zones.
the following week we re going trekking in the mountains so pray for us, just for safety and guidence. its going to be allot of fun. i love you guys and i thnak you for your prayers and support, and i ask that you continue to pray for me that God will always be number one in my life., and in yours. thank y0u God Bless

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

God Rocked Up

This past week and a half has been challenging, we had Glen come and speak on the fear of the LORD which was amazing, he had some really neat analogies, about what we as people tend to think of when we think of God, like he used the example of a sword and how we tend to think of God as just a one edged sword and he is just loving and gentle and anything that is good, but we forget about the other edge of the sword, (FEAR OF THE LORD) He was just talking about fearing the lord and how Good all this other stuff is but we need to have a fear of who God is, and not just be passive about it cause it is really crucial in our walk with God, it is so crucial I think cause if we just think God as this sweet kind man I think we are missing the point of the God we serve. Cause the God I serve is in Love with me and died for me and will fight for my soul for eternity, even if I mess up he still loves me, and he still desires a deeper relationship with me. This is just one of the many analogies that Glen shared with us. he was just an amazing speaker and made it real clear that we need to not just take his word for it but actually look it up in the Bible and form our own opinion about it.

All last week I felt really empty and felt dry in my walk with God, but I kept on pressing in to the word, cause I believe that God will reveal things about your character, and what you really think, when you don’t feel God’s presence in your life, but if you keep on persevering he will reward you beyond belief, so with that im going to tell you about this week which was prayer week, it all started Monday morning on the 15th of February. The start of prayer week begins with a morning of just giving where there is a need, and what that looks like is someone will raise their hand and be like I have a need of 2,000 dollars and we will write it on the board and their was several people that had a need it could be any amount, so it starts off and it comes up to be about 70,000 dollars that needs to be met and there is about 60 to 70 people that are their in this room, and we take a couple of min and pray, and as we feel to give, we go up and write it on a piece of paper and put it in a pile and then they write it on the board, and it was amazing how God showed up and between all of us their I think there was about 50,000 dollars given which was incredible, (thank you God) that’s only the morning of day one of prayer week, so the day goes on and we have night worship and it was good but people hearts weren’t really in the right place, so the night finished, and the next day starts and it’s the same it was like there was just this heavy blanket on us and we could not get it off, so that day goes by and nothing is really happening with God. So day three (wed) starts and the Holy Spirit is really pressing on some peoples hearts and what we do is have an open mike and they can come up an tell whats on their hearts, and people start coming up and sharing just things about their life like fears, problems, things they are ashamed of, and when they do we pray for them. Or if we have a word from God that we feel like we should share with them, so that morning we are praying for this girl on our DTS, and im just standing there and all of a sudden the holy spirit comes on me and im like shaking and sweating and he tells me to tell her that she needs to declare who the lord is in her life, and she does. But the Holy Spirit was still on me and told me to tell her again to declare his name again. And she does, and then the Holy Spirit puts on my heart the story of how peter denied Jesus three times, and he was just like, ask what I ask peter, (peter do you love me) and at this point I am shaking like crazy and im telling her this, and The Holy Spirit put it on my heart again that she needs to declare my name one more time, and at this point she is weeping and she really started to let God into her life and she really started to let God get a hold on her heart, and it was just really cool that I got to be used by God to do his work. And then the day continues to night lectures. And this is really when God starts to get a hold of our hearts it was on the 17 of feb at 7:00pm. And we where worshipping with a song that leon put on off of his computer and he told us to just lay down and see if God puts anything on your heart, the second I put my head to the ground the Lord told me to share a story that I have only shared with Jeremy, and I sat there and it just kept resounding like a gong in my heart, and im like God why do you want me to share that with all these people, and he did not answer so I laid there for a few more min and my heart started beating faster and faster, until finally I was like God if some one talks about repentance or a picture ill go up, and it wasn’t two seconds and leon said I felt like this is a time of repentance and said the word like three times in a row so I was like ok God I don’t know what this is going to do for anybody but ok ill do it cause this story I was going to tell really impacted me and it was a time when I gave into earthly desires and almost got arrested. So I go to get up and my friend, (little sister) looks at me and told me that she couldn’t move, and im like are you serious, thinking she is joking and she is like yes im serious, so I said just lay there cause God may be trying to reveal something to you. So I get up to go repent in front of all these people.

So after that I went and sat down and im like God why did you want me to make myself vulnerable in front of all these people and im just sitting there crying my eyes out cause the Holy Spirit was on me. and im just sitting there and God said you did what I told you to do, and right after that I felt a peace, and other people started coming up there and confessing these things that where from the deepest part of their hearts, That they really had a problem with, and it was amazing cause God used me to start that, im sure he would of did it another way if I wouldn’t of listened to what he was putting on my heart, but the fact that he used me in my imperfection to start something that will reign in my heart forever, is amazing and I feel blessed and honored that God would use me for that.

So here I am sitting on cloud 9, so stoked to be apart of What God is doing in my friends Life’s, and my own. liz the girl I talked about earlier is still on the floor and there are people praying for her, and im walking back and forth in the room just praying here I am Lord completely broken for you I have nothing to give, you have striped me naked there is nothing that is not revealed to you or man that is holding me back, im just like Lord use me to glorify your name and bless others for your sake, not mine. So im walking back and forth right by liz and every time I walk by her, the Holy Spirit is putting the word choice on my mind and he just repeats it like 10 times almost every time I walk by her, and he is saying to me she has to make a choice and she is not going to move until she does. And at that time I go and sit next to her and she still cant move, and I told her this message that the Holy Spirit was putting on my heart, and miss Tricha was like that is spot on, she is on a journey right. Im thinking like what do you mean she is on a journey right now. So this where the second part of this journey picks up because I came in about mid way through. So im sitting right by her head and she is fully under the holy spirit and she is talking about Jesus and where she is at with him and there in this place of darkness but Jesus is right next to her, and she starts talking about how these people are burning and suffering, and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit Hits me and it feels like a wave, and he reveals that she is in hell but Jesus is with her, and I just start crying cause I can feel what she is seeing and my heart was just hurting just in pain, and the whole time she was on this journey I could feel the emotions of the fathers heart and the suffering of the things she was seeing and it was just amazing. The journey keeps going I cant remember all of it but I will do my best to describe the things I heard and felt, and it was very clear that the Lord was showing her heaven and hell. and as she furthered on in this journey and was just describing where she was at and she started to come out of this darkness and into the light and as she was walking with Jesus she was talking about what he looked like and what he was wearing,

And God was still revealing his heart through me and I have never experienced the Holy spirit like this before, im still bawling God is still using me to show his heart, I cannot use words to describe it, it is over whelming, the joy the laughter the suffering the pain the love, were all flowing through my heart I could feel all these things at once, it was crazy but absolutely amazing. And liz kept on speaking to Jesus and he was telling us about being persecuted for being Christians, even by people in our church, and just how he is bringing new leaders and how we should never doubt him cause he is always with us, and how we should love with a whole heart, it was absolutely amazing cause Jesus was speaking to liz, im not joking this was the most amazing thing I have ever been a part of,

So praise God.

Thank you God for speaking. I will never forget this day, for it was the day that God spoke to our friend liz and I was able to be a part and what God was doing in her life, thank you. I would just like to say if you hear God knocking on the door of your heart answer it put aside all your fear and pride and do what he tells you to do, cause if you do, God will reveal what he wants in your heart and as well as others, and it will impact those around you and maybe for the rest of their life. Like he did to liz yesterday, thank you God. And the things that I am writing about are things that I have seen and heard and I am telling you this only to Glorify Gods name.

Love ya

don't forget to feed the Fish

Friday, February 5, 2010


This week has been amazing, Keven spoke on evangelism, it started off with a 3 hour bus ride to byron bay which it was raining the whole way their, and when we got thier a girl on our school had chest problems and so someone took her to the hospital that was day one,
Day 2, the next day which was monday, we started lectures that morning keven spoke on evangelism, and the day went on, that night we did card board evangelism which was amazing what we would do is get a piece of card board and write something on it that would challenge people like (God loves you or do you have faith) and walk around or just sit somewhere, which was really challenging to me. you would just sit their and people would come up to you and ask you all kinds of questions, like why do you believe in God or why in the world would God allow my friends to die in a car accident all kinds of stuff, but most if the time they would get in your face and bash God and cuss at you, but it was good cause it would really test what you believe, but we had a few people come up to us that would actually listen to us and we would get to share our hearts with them which was really good, i dont no if they took it to heart but it was really good just to be out their telling People about the God that we serve and love. their was another couple of guys that where doing the same thing, they got to talk to a guy and pray with him, and they said the guy was going commit suicide that morning, so when they prayed for him and after they did he excepted God into his heart which was such a blessing to hear.
Day 3 The next day was just s good we had lectures in the morning, and we left for nimbin which is the drug capital of Australia so i was told, anyways we rocked up and set up speakers and had a BBQ, and sung worship songs, which was really fun cause i was en charged of cooking, this place was not very big you could walk down the streets in like 10 min, and everywhere you went you would see people dealing drugs or somebody would ask you if you wanted to buy some. It was such a dark place me and daniel where walking around and decide to check out this local museum, as soon as we walk in their you could feel your chest just compress and it felt like their was a hundred pounds on it, and as soon as we left the weight was lifted it was really crazy, cause i haven't felt a darkness like that before, which would just attack you like that when you walked into this place. anyways the day continued and it was really cool cause we got to share our hearts with allot of people who came to the BBQ, i got to talk to this guy andrew who was probably in his 30 and he was in a place where he was either going to leave his partner and kid, cause they did not believe in God, but he was sorta sitting on the fence on what he should do, so i got to pray for him and give biblical advice, on what he should do which was really cool. Their where probably a hundred or so people that showed up, anyways this town was full of hippies it sorta reminded me of hippie movement or something, anyways that was an awesome day as well, after that we headed back home which was just an amazing drive threw big hills and rolling pastures, so we got home and had worship that night and which was amazing, so brian on our staff team got a word that God wanted to heal this girls leg in our group so we sat her down on a chair and put her legs side by side and one was about a inch and half shorter, or longer for those who think half full, so we all started praying for her and i had to see this cause i havent ever seen God heal someone physically before so i am sitting right next to her feet watching her foot, like a hawk, waiting for this miracle to happen. and while im watching this thing starts to grow and it grows out to the same length as the other one and i am like going crazy, and so is everyone else, it was incredible, praise God.
Day 4 was amazing. that night we went into town in byron bay, and put the speakers up, and played music and we where challenged to go up and speak as we pleased, so we went around the town and ask people to come hangout, and while we did Andrew and Nick where playing songs on the guitar, just trying to get people to come up and just chill anyways we talk to a few people and got them to come and join so we had probably 80 or so people their at one point, and we where just talking with them, and God put something on my heart to just get up in front of everyone and just tell a little about the gospel and what Jesus did for us, which was really challenging for me, cause i dont like to speak in front of allot of people, but i new it was from God so i did it and i think it went well, i dont no if anyone got anything out of it. but i did it and wether or not anybody got anything out of it, when we hear Gods voice speak we need to obey it. So the night continues and we are just hanging out a talking to people and i got to share my heart for God with a few people, and the night was coming to an end and i saul a few of my friends praying for this young man and as i was walking over to pray with them this kid was excepting God into his heart, which was amazing, cause their is nothing more amazing than seeing God touch some ones heart and see them come to Christ. and it was really cool just to be apart of that. cause i got to talk to him after everyone left and really got to pore into this young mans life, and he was just broken and i just got to love on him, and my heart was breaking for this kid, and i could not imagine doing anything else with my life cause it was so rewarding to be apart of his life.
so if you read this thank you, and if it comes to your mind just pray for all the students and staff, that God would continue to work through us, and i thank you for all your prayers and support threw the years i wouldnt be in this place if it weren't for Godly people pouring into my life. love you guys God bless and keep seeking after him, cause their is no greater reward than for God to say( Well Done My Good and Faithful servant)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

life as of right now

Sorry i have taken so long to write all youll, these past few weeks have been good we have had a couple of our students really brake down barriers in their lifes, which is amazing to be apart of. I really feel blessed to be part of this school i actualy enjoy wakeing up in the morning, and being apart of the stundents lifes as well as the wonderful staff the Lord has put together. this weeks topic is hearing Gods voice whic Boris is speaking on and te students are enjoying it allot. i really feel like hearing Gods voice is one of the keys things in our lifes, as well as reading te Bible which allot of Gods heart voice is already writen down.
I have three wonderful Guys that i am descipleing i thank God that thier hearts are all in the right place, thiers names are Ryan Peter Josh. thay are amazing guys. if you would pray for them that God may use them to do amazing things in other peoples lifes, and that they would continue to seek the things that God wants in their own lifes.
Outreach is coming up and we are headed to India-Nepal and Fleur and I are leading a team so if you think about it, pray for us that are descisions are based on what the lord wants, not our own wants, and just pray that God may use our team to impact people for the better, and he would just give us direction threw out the trip and our lifes.
And as for me, if you would just pray that God continues to change my heart for people, and give me a deeper passion, and a servants heart for others

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Start

First off i just wanted to let you'll no that im am very blessed for the people that God has put into my life for this upcoming year. This school is going to be a challenge for me in my life as well as the 31 students , we started staff training this past saturday and we have been going at it from 8-4 almost everyday, but i enjoy it, we are going threw just basic training learning how to do one on ones, bible group studies, and allot of other stuff that goes with it.
For my one on ones i have three young guys around the age of 18, which we got to choose today, so i would just ask you if you could be praying for them and me that God will use me to speak into every aspect of their lives.
The school starts this monday which is the 11 of this month so be praying for all of us, that we may seek God in every thing we do and it glorifies him to the fullest,
Thank You for all your love and prayers